Hi Everyone,
A friend of mine in Taiping, is organising a Gopeng to Camerons (Jungle) Trek over 2 weekends, 16-17 June and 14-15 July. Park your cars in Gopeng Nature Resort, spend one night in a Orang Asli village and take a chartered bus back to Gopeng from Bharat Tea Plantation. Promises to be full of fun and leeches. Anybody interested? I'll be going on the 14-15 July trek with my daughter and nephew.
I'm sure Colonel M has done more than his fair share of jungle bashing but perhaps he could be interested in this for old times' sake. Don't have to carry any senjata, peluru etc... and no fear of any Charlie Tangos targetting our backsides or booby traps (hopefully!).
Dr G
Hi G.,
Sounds interesting. Would have considered it but just got back from Camerons. Its pretty wet now (unusually so it seems) but did not encounter leeches although spent a bit of time walking on sinking wet trails. Visited a couple of Orang Asli villages about 5 km from within the Boh Estate, and views of tea estates especially riveting working your way up to the airstrip there which is used by planes for crop-dusting. Gunung Brinchang peak worth a visit for more stupendous views and more trails! No doubt you'll have a great time. Mind the Bharat Cafe, RM20 for 2 cups of chai masala and scones. Sip and savour slowly. :) Boh in Sg Palas offers a pot for 2 at RM 5.90, lovely cakes and panaromic views (cameras poised please!) in stylish ambience.
Dear Doctore,
This is my cup of kpg. kopi. Have not done it from Gopeng but from Bidor. I assure you that its not going to be a cake-walk. During that period I have to baby-sit some of my sch chums, who have emigrated, and visiting Malaysia from Oz, UK and other countries. If you need to be reminded on equipment, happy to provide list.
If I come, I'll still bring my gun to protect the climbers from wild animals. Best insect repellent - KELLIS. Best for stings and bites - Hamilton Stingose Spray
Colonel M
Dear M,
I've read a report by someone who's done it and I realise that it's no stroll in the park. Have to cross 6 streams/ rivers including the Sg. Kampar and walk along ridges with deep drops on the other side (jangan tengok bawah) etc... That's why I'm training everyday - walking, running, climbing steps and belukar bashing up a small hill near my place. WOULD APPRECIATE VERY MUCH your tips on equipment, food (all meals self-provided) and on how to make the trip more enjoyable.
I'm sure an experienced veteran like you ada banyak petua & banyak cerita to impart to tyros like me.
Dear Dr,
Please confirm if your group is staying overnight in the forest.
Hi M
Yes, we're spending Saturday night at a Orang Asli village tapi ingat tadak ada disco on a Saturday night, kot.
Dear Dr,
You are a trained soldier. I have no intention of teaching you how to fly kites. So, don't laugh. This is just a reminder. I'll give them in installments to suit my consumption of claret. Remember the fundamental truth - the jungle is neutral, its for you or against you. Your attitude is what counts.
1. Do not drink water from any river or creek on the way up. The waters from Brinchang have chemicals and orang asli pollutants. Even water purifying tabs will not help. Buy two water bottles for you and one each for your girls.
2. Elastic bandage the ankles of the girls b4 they wear their shoes/boots. The ankles must be steady on uneven ground for young kids. Please see attachment. Get hockey boots with soles for good grip - studded or intervalled. Ensure when you purchase them that they fit to perfection using socks worsted.

4. This is terrible to tell a distinguished Dr. Teach the girls how to do stretching b4 and after hill climb. I can send you the needful. There is a need to supple up and strengthen your medial head, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris long head, abs, lower trapezius and latissimus dorsi and stamina. ( I had good M.O. from young, that's how I know. These blardy army Drs made us learn by heart.)
5. No drinking alcohol or smoking during the trek.
6. Nobody is to eat jungle fruits at all. Even tough Ibans have fallen sick.
7. Walk for 40 mins and rest for ten. Stretch for anybody who is tired.
8. Get a good parang. Make it razor sharp.
9. Buy a Victorinox Swiss knife (complete).
Thanks for the jungle trekking tips given so far. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Dear Dr,
Please don't laugh for a Ranger teaching a Gunner how to suck eggs.
NA must be a great kid. I always appreciate somebody who desires to lead people for fitness, adventure and to enjoy the Malaysian environment. You will be in the 2nd badge. He will have drawn the lessons-learnt from the 1st. I am always nervous without a GPS, a map and a compass. I am amazed that some guys do not know how to navigate using the map and compass. If it is difficult, use an Orang Asli guide.
1. Orang Asli settlement is usually dirty and unkempt with stray, mangy dogs, mozzies, leeches and smell. They lay animal traps called Belantik in the vicinity of the settlement. Find out where they are b4 going to pangsai. Bring one pact of Lucky Strike fags and a small pact of garam kasar for bribery to the Ketua. They will have crystal clear water conduited from a "mata air' using bamboo for drinking and showers. Its cold. Get messtins of hot water for the girls for early morning wash or shower. When they know that you are a Dr., you will certainly get patients - mostly sakit perut, demam, skin problems (kudis) and sakit gigi. Most of the kids have running noses, and distended bellies and the babies howl all night. Please bring a small can of Sheltox and mosquito coil.If you like petai, bring a bit of sambal belacan!!
2. Now please don't die laughing! Pack your medical kit, small, neat and water-proofed Thermometer, Casprin, Imodium, Melolin Cushioned Dressing pads, Fucidin, Fucidin Intertulle, Tiger Balm, Foot Powder, antibiotic eyedrops, panadols etc, etc
3. Your purse and camera must be wrapped up in plastic and 100% water-proofed.
4. In the attachment, you see a compass, a Swiss Army knife, eating cutlery all-in-one, a golok and a utility belt. The cutlery is available at ACE in IKEA, if I see you b4 you go I'll donate a golok, the belt is useful for Swiss Knife, small camera, compass, purse, golok and field dressing and my golok has the blade screwed to the handle to avoid accidents.

6. If anybody has a leech bite, do NOT pull the leech. Spray KELLIS insect repellent and the sucker will fall off and the bleeding will stop.
Very nice golok; where do you buy such goloks?
Dear Paul,

I have given away many to my sons, brothers outlaw and adventurous friends. I have to, my wifey in her old age is fretful of what she says, " You are blardy pervert." I cannot keep my gun at home or there will be a divorce. Its too expensive and I'll be penniless sleeping in the Indian Muslim mosque in Taiping!! Even my pencen will be divided.
Hi M
1.For your info the trek will be guided by 2 or 3 experienced Orang Asli who have, to my knowledge, taken at least 2 other batches on the same route.
2.Is it important to get shoes that lace up someway up the calf, like the green Army jungle boots or are ordinary trekking shoes that cover only the feet and don't go above the ankle good enough?
3.During my Army training we were told about a few tricks to avoid blisters on forced marches, i.e. soaking the socks in soap solution and letting them dry so that during the march they become slippery with sweat and reduce friction; sapu sabun on our feet - from heel to toe for the same reason. These measures useful tak in the jungle? By the way, why are the private soldiers called Mat Sabun? Is it because they used to sapu sabun on their feet. I suspect it must be because the used sabun on their 3rd leg.
OK tuan sifu, I eagerly await the next installment of your instructions.
Dear Dr,
I am always been wary of Drs of Medicine. My classmates in form 6, who became Drs. were right at the top. You cannot "chong" them, they seem to be fast on the uptake. Forgive my presumptuous notes to you. But when we all pissed, the Drs will help in the "basuh pinggan" coz they are sober. My wifey asked, " How come they are so good in the kitchen?" Answer, " Coz they have medically trained metacarpals". What are they? Answer,"Toes!!" Hahaha!!
My cardiologist is a brilliant Tiger-Putera. The last time I met him, he had a ponch. I laughed and he laughed too. He said," Hey, Mike, I love ice cream." and I laughed even harder. He had a confused look and I walked off.
My wifey's gynae is beautiful. I was Greek Godessing her and she said," Mike, you gatallah." So I asked," Are you frigid?" "How come?" "You see it everyday!!" Answer," F... o.. Mike!!" You cannot win with Drs.
You have 2 b'fasts; two morning coffees, two lunches and one dinner. So purchase the following:
* 2 small packs of b'fast biscuits or cookies from Carrefour. It has the best.
* 6 Mars Bar.
* 3 cups of rice ( Puteri )
* 2 small cans of baked beans at 230 g each.
* 1 can of potatoes or green peas..
* 3 packets Campbell's Instant Soup. Creamy Chicken Twist. One pkt weighing 69g contains 3 sachets.Find out from the girls what type of soup they like.
* 1 pkt of Uncle Toby's Chewy Forest Fruits Muesli Bars, 185g. 6 bars per pkt.
* 6 pkts of Brahim's curries, chicken, beef an beef masak lada hitam.
* 6 Sachets of 3-in-1 teh tarik.
* 6 Sachets of 3-in-1 coffee.
EMERGENCY RATIONS( You never know)
* 3 pkts of instant noodles.
* 1 can of Waltose Sardines in olive oil, 120g.at RM 4.00 each.
* 1 small pkt of dog biscuits. We ate it in the Army!!
* 1 tube of Redoxon.
* 300 g of vanilla flavoured Complan.
B'fast: 3-in-1 Teh Tarik, one bar of Uncle Toby's and one Mars Bar.
Morning Coffee. 3-in1 coffee and cookies or biscuits.
Lunch. Campbell's Soup,11/2 cups of rice for three, two pkts of Brahims and one can of baked beans for three.
Dinner. Soup. 11/2 cups of rice, two pkts of Brahim's and potatoes or green peas.
You need to buy:
* 2 sets of messtins.We don't get Brit. messtin anymore. They are Korean. A long time on the fire and they warp.
* 2 pkts of Hexamine Solid Fuel Tablets. 8 tabs in each pkt. One tab cooks one meal. One pkt is RM 2.85 in Giant Hypermarket.Don't forget the metal oven that comes with it.
* One cig lighter to burn the solid fuel.
Please note that Brahim's comes in Retort Pouches. Drown them intact in boiling water for 3 mins and the contents are hot and ready to eat. It is not the contents that are expensive, its the pouches.
Dear Dr,
Please get a good pair of hockey boots ankle length. No need for anything else.Good soles are the important thing. Make sure they fit comfortably. The soap thing is for leather boots and forced march over a long distance.. You foot powder and socks worsted.the girls. The shoes will be wet on completion of a jungle trek. Wash them and dry them upside down. They will still be wet in the morning. Use wet socks. The dry socks worsted are meant for sleeping.
The Mat Sabun expression is a literal translation of the Brit. soldier - Joe Soap.It was Col Tiger Abu Hassan Abdullah and I that propagated the slang - Mat Sabun. I was chief Instructor of the Command & Staff Wing In PD so I had the liberty to create a vocabulary.
More importantly, ensure the weight in your pack is light. The pack shud not be right up the trapezuis. It shud just be above the gluteus maximus at the waist. Gosh, you army drs.taught us well!!
Dear Dr,
This is a ready reckoner for you:
1 spare underwear each.
1 spare tee-shirt each.
1 light sweater each for sleeping
1 light waterproof jacket each
1 pair of shorts each
1 handkerchief each
1 sarong each
2.pairs of socks worsted. One for sleeping.
1 towel each, medium size.
1 jungle hat each
1 "God Morning" towel each
1 backpack or haversack each
1 bottle of insect repellent
1 camera
1 small torchlight. Best is head held. Check batteries.
1 Swiss Army knife
3 Sleeping bags. Buy BODYPAC from Carrefour. Weight approx 300g each.
1 all-in-one fork/spoon/knife
1 golok, sharpened
1 cigarette lighter
3 inflatable air pillows
1 pair of shoes/boots with grip soles each
2 ponchos for sleeping
2 pkts hexamine soild fuel
2 sets of messtin
3 waterbottles with mug interface
1 box mosquito coil
1/2 roll toilet paper
1 Asepso soap in plastic container
1 toothbrush each
1 small tube toothpaste for three.
1 shaving razor
1 comb/hairbrush each
1 small can Sheltox
1 small pack of washing soap
1 small sponge for washing
1 green plastic rubbish bag. Collect all your rubbish b4 ETD Orang Asli camp.
1 pack medical kit
1 safari belt
Finally, I'll stop patronizing you tuan Dr.
The aim of every trip into the forest is to celebrate life; camp out in pollution free environment; enjoy the friendship and humour of our friends and kids and at the end, imbibe over frivolities that life can be beautiful. Drs. refrain quietly the "happy Hours" as a finale, but Ah Swee and I do and we enjoy it.
The girls will gratefully know it later that they have a responsible father and uncle.
Dear Dr,
Forgot a small tip. Buy two small pkts of Sultanas for the girls. Encase in plastic and keep in the left breast pocket. Take approx one teaspoon when thirsty. Magic. Old Ranger trick!!
Dear Dr,
The total pack is 4.3 kg. Its too heavy. Use only the retort pouches and the special dog biscuits. They amount with rice to 4500 kjoules. There are nine retort pouches of Korma, sardines, vegetables and bubur sweets etc etc. The girls will love them.The dog biscuits have been infused with all the required goodies - six pieces for b'fast. Mati, lo!!
Not giving you the rice. Army rice is partially roasted to prevent bugs. You get the best - Puteri. There is no solid fuel tabs.
There are toilet paper, matches, instant coffee, tea, lots of sugar, jam and vit pills of C and iron and calcium.
Each retort pouch is 140g so be careful about weight.
I was the Deputy Director of Army Training when we evolved this Rangsum Tempur. We used South African White Scientists to perfect it together with the Medical Directorate, Defence Science Center and the Logistic boys. Finally, the scientists could not solve the possibility of Beri-Beri over the long haul, so every 7 days, operational troops must have fresh rations with good amount of fresh vegs and fruits. I can write a book about it.
We meet on either early Sat or Sunday @ Tesco Hypermarket, Shah Alam, for me to give you, if you prefer. My house tele # 03 ******** and H/P 019 *********.
Like in Islam, there is no compulsion.
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:52 PM
Subject: RE: Army Rations
Wow Mike……………………….
Dear KS,
When I was chairing the committee in my capacity as Dep Director of Army Training, we analyzed the composite or combat rations (CR) of our neighbours. The Thais are good at dehydrated rations, the Indons and the Filipinos have really nothing to talk about. The S'poreans had and have the best. The S'poreans borrowed the tech from the Israelis but made the rations to suit the Asian palate - the most expensive in Asia.
We did not have the complete expertise. Our Varsity BS shitheads talked endlessly but could not produce results and most of them were not field tests minded. We had to buy expertise from South Africa. We had so many problems - degeneration, expiry rate, tropical weather, halal for both Muslims and Hindus, wear and tear, muscle atrophy and invitation to diseases, weight, costs, tastes to suit all ethnicities and the correct Kjoules to suit all circumstances. There were so much tugs and pulls. In the end, the Logistic boys said time was up. We had to move and issued the tender docus. Ibrahim bin Ahmad Badawi, on his own merit, won it for 29years and with a 8 years option.
For the Ibans, we provided more rice, a small bottle of kicap, two nutrition bars, two Mars Bars, 400 g of kacang hijau, one small pkt of Sultanas, one small pkt of peeled groundnuts and a piece of halia - they love halia.
As Dr. G will vouch, food is big deal with soldiers and thats the reason we have a huge catering sch in Taiping with everything - its the best in Asia..