I did not even bother to read the article at first glance, pooh poohing it as another piece of shit that filters through the sewage system that has come to be known as mainstream media in Malaysia. Then I thought; lets see what it is about this time. Lo and behold!! It actually turned out to be a classic!
The National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia vice-president, a Miss Munirah Bahari says uniforms, especially the white blouses worn by female students in Malaysian schools are too transparent and "encouraged rape and pre-marital sex”. For that she is calling for a "review of the uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals"! White blouses violate Islamic ideals? Isn't white garb commonly used in Islamic tradition?
I believe what she is really trying to say is that girls should only be allowed to wear white brassierre under the white blouse. But then again, if that be the case then she is also saying Malaysian men are sick; no maybe she is saying Malaysian female students are sick, or better still the Education Minister is sick. I for one can only conclude that she is sick to imply that the rest of us are sick in the head!
Then I thought perhaps, maybe an old coot like me is no longer in touch with the times and I needed to give this Miss a fair break so I googled Google Images for "Malaysian school uniforms" and the pictures here are some of the images I found. It appears schoolgirl uniform in Malaysian government schools have not changed for years.

This brings me to the question of the obviously ultra prudish missed Miss Munirah and the association she represents. Who are they actually? What are they actually? Why are they actually? Where are they actually? On what statistics has she based her inference on? Are there such statistical studies in the first place? If there are none, then why shoot her mouth off? Does she personally get off by oggling little girls in pinafore? You mean to tell me the mindset of members in this association of students represents that of our future leaders? Questions! Questions! Questions! WTF!!
Perhaps the thing that should be reviewed would be the entire education system that produces students of narrow minded mentality and henceforth, national associations of such students who make the country look like a nation of imbeciles (the article was afterall picked up by AFP) because of calls such as this.
I did not get aroused by any of the above pictures; maybe Miss Munirah would like to think there is something wrong with me. But I would not be able to guarantee with the following school uniform though:

Update: 24th May, 2008
So much ado over nothing. The MOE should not have lent credence to Miss Munirah's nonsense by even responding. Why must officialdom feel it necessary to respond to such idiotic statements I wonder. As I said; leave it to the parents or the teachers (principal). It is common sense thingy; WTF!! if the bras can be seen through the blouses just don't wear the bra!!

Student with ‘too transparent’ uniform can be told to wear undergarment
PETALING JAYA: If a student’s baju kurung is found to be too thin or close to being transparent, the school can demand that she wears a camisole underneath her school uniform, said Education Deputy Director-General (Schools) Datuk Noor Rezan Bapoo Hashim.
At present, it is up to the principal to use his/her discretion and decide if female students should wear an undergarment, such as a camisole, so that their bras are not visible through their white blouses.
If the baju kurung is too transparent, the school can insist that the student wears a camisole underneath,” Noor Rezan said.
She added that this issue had been taken into consideration in a recent review of the school rules.
“We are now at the final stage of studying the legal implications of the review of the school rules.”
Noor Rezan was responding to suggestions by Munirah Bahari, vice-president of The National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia, that the uniform worn by girls at government schools was “sexy” and “encouraged rape and pre-marital sex”.
Munirah said on Wednesday that according to Islamic precepts, it was important to cover up, to fend off social ills, including “rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex.”
Her remarks drew immediate responses from several NGOs, teachers and students, who termed them “baseless” and “ridiculous.”
The Star checked with several schools in Ipoh, Alor Setar, Malacca and the Klang Valley and found that only a small number of them have made it compulsory for their female students to wear a camisole beneath their uniform.
A teacher in Puchong, however, said while it was not necessary for girls to wear a camisole to school, most of them had made it a habit to do so.
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