We have moved from sambal belacan to caviar and "foie gras" in just one session at Sid's. Progress or regression I wonder?
The following posts in the Old Edwardians eGroup by Mike and Harjit tell the story; the phonecam photos are expectedly grainy.
Mike Naser said:
Dear friends,

He asked me, "Mike, what do you carry in yours?" Answer. "The psalms of Nabi Daud. For Instance. Drinketh thou plentyth wine, thou shall not suffer infirmities".

Then, the evergreen Liz turned up and sat beside me. That turned me on so I said, "You look terrific and I love your Opium." Answer, " Don't BS Mike, its Chanel Numero Cinq". Even I can make mistakes.

Much to my pleasure, I discovered that Elita was the daughter of Col Eddie Elias, RMC grad, PhD Informatics and commissioned in the Corps of Engineers. He was my squash, rugby and diving mate. A good soldier and scholar. His daughter, Elita, is beautiful with hidung mancung. Great to meet her.

It was a good night imbibing over tiger/tigress frivolities and Ah Swee controlling events. It is from these small meetings that we develop a bigger thing for the semangat of the harimau. We must carry on.
Cheers and thanks. Lovely night.
Harjit Singh (Jetey) said:
It was a good night. You fed all of us with caviar, black and orange, liver pate of geese and a host of delicacies from Tehpeng (or its suburban areas like Pinang). You were a gentleman explaining why you wouldn't drink a beer at 5AM before slugging miserable boars who turned up early as if they were Obamas ready for glory. I respect that.Nevermind if your pate was mislabelled so long as Capt Azmi and Elita found it to be the best bite they ever had; really, there's vely little difference between a pig and a duck in the year of the RAT.
Never mind if Liz turned up late and left early as long as she brought her own half bottle of wine she had difficulty in ploughing through.Never mind Capt Azmi's randy hands ploughing all over Susan's you-know-what, but I suppose thats what it takes to keep the aircraft steady.
Never mind Patmanathan's early exit on the pretext of answering a phone call as if he was scheduled for another MIC rally.Never mind the fact that MAS pilots left the cockpit attended to by Mat Rempits (who were given a better performing machine to keep them out of mischief) so long as they were praying for you.
Never mind if the monkeys in Kinabatangan thought that Bung Mokhtar was their saviour and gave him his mercedes on my tax money.
Never mind. I'll be there the next time we plan to meet again. This time Jetey won't be so quiet.
yeahhh...somebody's got to answer for that "goose liver pate"! Ignorance was bliss...until we found out! Urrgghh!!!
Nevertherless...fun I had!
Luv, Elita
I can testify to the ignorance bit....I was clueless too and that does not happen very often ;o)
Coz of the powerful lobby of the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the French can no longer forcefully stuff thier geese with food to achieve huge livers. Its done in N.Sumatra. Similarly, escargot is bred there.You can buy kosher foie gras @ RM 37.00 per small can @ Uncle Ho's Boutique in Bangsar Shopping Center. Otherwise, you can make chicken liver pate, which I do, @ home very easily and keep in the fridge for some time. I can extend the recipe.
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