Friday, 4 July 2008

SD on a SD in a Single Day: UPDATE

Why do I have a strange feeling that Perak Adun Hamidah Osman is quietly smirking to herself and feeling absolutely vindicated today? Just when the nation was sinking its teeth into the word, "susceptible" the very guy responsible for spotlighting the word yesterday does a 180 as if to emphasize the meaning. You all should know what I mean la!

From the comments it looks like some reader cannot appreciate a tongue-in-cheek statement. It is this type of narrow-mindedness that undermines Malaysian multi-racial society. So be it.


Anonymous said...

called yourself a bangsa malaysia,rubbish.Nothing but a low-life racist bigot!

KS Cheah said...

Hehe! Read my post again "anonymous". I was expecting an ignoramous like you to interpret as such. If I need to explain to the likes of you I would not write the way I wrote.

Anonymous said...

still a bigot asshole

KS Cheah said... least I am not an anonymous asshole. The chip on your shoulder is heavy huh.....